dimanche 9 octobre 2011

Tunisia and the European Union. What is the relationship after the revolution?

      Tunisian revolution has not only brought down a dictatorial regime, it has also reworked the maps of the diplomatic game. Symbol of Arab Spring, Tunisia attracted a great interest among Europeans and Americans, determined to make a window of democracy in the Maghreb and all the Arab World.
    Wendnesday 28th September, Cathedrine Ashton, the head of the European diplomacy, was in Tunis to preside with the Tunisian Prime Minister Béji Caïd Essebsi, the first work meeting between U.E. and Tunisia after the revolution. “ We want you to succeed. I’m her to revive the Tunisian economy and to create jobs ”, said Mrs Ashton. At this meeting, held in the presence of various representatives financial institutions, but also this presence of  Youssef Amrani, general secretary of  Union for the Mediterranean and with the partnership of the G.8 Deauville. During this meeting, Tunisia received an important assistance of 157 million euros, designed to boost the economy and to develop agriculture in the disadvantaged areas.  Less than a month before the elections, U.E. send a strong signal, no doubt, it’s willing of recapture the many errors committed in the beginning the revolution. Despite the visit of many Europeans ministers, and the promise of Alain Juppé, the French minister of Foreign Affairs, to provide assistance of 350 million Euros, Tunisians have difficulty to forgive the French attitude at the beginning of the “Jasmise’s revolution”.  Can we hope, now, a new relationship between U.E. and Tunisia based on respect and the mutual assistance ? 

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